Events - Month View
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SASS River Bend Rough Riders monthly Cowboy Action match at Cowboy Hill
RBGC MultiGun Match on the Action Shooting Range - Registration on PractiScore
Gene Mowell Conference Room
Conference Room Reserved - 10:00am to 12:00pm - Training Committee Meeting
This is the monthly RBGC Steel Challenge Match on Cowboy Hill - Register On PractiScore
Gene Mowell Conference Room Reserved - 1:00pm to 3:00pm - BARC Committee Meeting
High Power Range Workday - Range Closed
Centerfire Benchrest Match on the MultiPurpose 1 Range
Mowell Conference Room and Action Shooting Bay 5
Registration required. This is the Certification Class for Tactical Rifle and PCC (Pistol Caliber Carbine) use at River Bend.
Registrants MUST bring: an AR platform in .223/5.56/300BLK, or a PCC platform in 9mm, or 45ACP. Two (2) magazines (one empty mag, one mag fully loaded), twenty loose rounds, a sling, eyes and ears and your Range Rules book.
Kalashnikov-47 and other 7.62x39 variants are not allowed for TAC Rifle certification.
Everyone should plan to arrive on the Training Range no later than 0845hrs to complete check-in and administrative duties prior to the start of Tac Rifle at 0900hrs. Tardy arrivals after 0900hrs risk re-scheduling.
Gene Mowell Conference Room Reserved - 2:00pm to 3:00pm - Facilities Committee Meeting
High Power Range Workday - Range Closed
Mowell Conference Room Reserved - 11:00am to 1:00pm - ERER Committee Meeting
This is the monthly River Bend IDPA Match on Cowboy Hill
Pre-registration is through PractiScore - search "RBGC"
RBGC Staff Management Meeting -- 6:00pm -- SGH Conference Room
This is the monthly meeting of the River Bend Gun Club Board of Directors. Members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Valentine's Day - Don't Forget Her or Him
AP Bays 1 - 4 Closed at 2pm for AP Match Set-up
Cowboy Bays 1 through 8 Closed from 9:00am to 1:00pm for USPSA Setup
After 1:00pm CB Bays 1 through 8 are available for general member use
This is the monthly RBGC Action Pistol Match held on the Action Shooting Range
This is the Hunting Rifle Shoot which alternates between the High Power Range and the Silhouette Range
Members only training with priority given first to Club Range Officers and Match Directors but available to all members and their spouse
Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln all crammed into one day for the convenience of the Federal employees
Mowell Conference Room Reserved - 9:00am to 12:00pm - GTMC Training Event
GTMC Training Event - Training Range 12:00pm to 5:00pm
RBGC USPSA Match on Cowboy Hill - Registration on PractiScore
MultiPurpose 2 The Skutle Range
This is the RBGC 100 Yard Match/Clinic on the MultiPurpose 2 Range
RBGC Buffalo Rifle Match on the Silhouette Range
Registration required. This is the Certification Class for Tactical Rifle and PCC (Pistol Caliber Carbine) use at River Bend.
Registrants MUST bring: an AR platform in .223/5.56/300BLK, or a PCC platform in 9mm, or 45ACP. Two (2) magazines (one empty mag, one mag fully loaded), twenty loose rounds, a sling, eyes and ears and your Range Rules book.
Kalashnikov-47 and other 7.62x39 variants are not allowed for TAC Rifle certification.
Everyone should plan to arrive on the Training Range no later than 0845hrs to complete check-in and administrative duties prior to the start of Tac Rifle at 0900hrs. Tardy arrivals after 0900hrs risk re-scheduling.
A chance to practice for free on various Action Pistol props -- Open to ALL club members, but please be courteous to those members who are just learning the skills.
New Member Orientation Meeting
This is the required New Member Orientation Meeting held in the Mowell Conference Room
Skeet Field 1 and Trap Field will be closed from 2pm to 5pm
AP Bays 1 - 5 Closed at 2pm for PCSL 2Gun Match Set-up
Cowboy Hill (CB) Bay 2-7 is Closed