View M1A Match Scores

This is an open match for M14/M1A rifles. Registration starts at 8am, safety briefing at 8:45, and the match will begin at 9am. Match fee is $15 for members, $20 for non-club members and $5 for juniors (19 and under).
Participants must provide their own ammunition (minimum 50 rounds).
Eligibility: Match is open to the public so you do not need to be a RBGC member to participate.
Course of Fire – 200 yards
Stage 1 - Unlimited sighters & 20 slow fire prone shots for record in a block time limit of 25 minutes. All single load.
Stage 2 - Rapid fire, prone starting in position, 10 record shots, time limit of 80 seconds.
Mandatory magazine change (2 & 8).
Stage 3 - Rapid fire, sitting starting in position, 10 record shots, time limit of 70 seconds.
Mandatory magazine change (2 & 8).
Stage 4 - Slow fire, standing, 10 record shots, time limit of 10 minutes. All single load.
Rifles Permitted:
M1A rifles of any configuration or semi-automatic M14 type rifles. No select fire/full automatic.
Open Sights - As issued or NM open sights
Any Optic - As stated any optical device used to sight the rifle i.e. red dot, variable or fixed power scopes
The match will be held on the High Power range 200 yard line. Each participant will be required to pull targets and score for another competitor.
For additional information you can contact the match director:
Tim Noble at M1carbine@rbgc.org or call (770) 655-5398.