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HomeRBGC Precision Rifle Match

RBGC Precision Rifle Match

The RBGC Precision Rifle Match is a fun but challenging rifle match consisting of 8 stages ranging from 220 to 600 yards shot from a variety of positions.


Check the River Bend Events Calendar for match dates!

Please let us know if this is your first of this type of match, we will have a system in place to ensure safety and verify competitors are meeting the requirement for accurate hits out to 600 yards. Please do not let this requirement scare you away, we will have countless competitors that are more than happy to help you learn.

For this match you will need a bolt action or semi-automatic rifle capable of shooting accurately out to 600 yards, a chamber flag, known elevation adjustments (DOPE) out to 600 yards and a bi-pod.

Most competitors shoot a .223, .308. 6.5 Creedmoor or one of the various 6mm cartridges.

Average round count is 80.

A rear bag is highly recommended, but if you do not have one, you will not have a problem borrowing one. 


If you have a spotting scope, please bring it. 



Match Director: 
Luke Crawford

Matches will be Monthly on the 1st Sunday of the Month

Matches will be held on the Silhouette Range

Zero Confirmation and sign in – 11:00 am

Safety briefing – 11:30 am

1st shot – 11:45 am

Safety briefing will start promptly at 11:30, if you wish to confirm zero I recommend being at the range by 11:00 to ensure you have time to assemble your gear.

Match entry fee:

for Members and Non-Members


You MUST pre-register via Practiscore.
Walk-up registrations are NOT allowed due to the match always having a wait-list.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Match Director:

Luke Crawford

Spectators are welcome.

To register for an upcoming match,
search “
RBGC Precision Rifle Match” on Praticscore.

RBGC Precision Rifle Match Rules

Rev. 3-6-2023

­Section 1 – Safety

General Safety

  1. Treat all rifles as though they are loaded even if you believe otherwise.

  2. Never point a rifle at anything you don’t intend to destroy. Always point your rifle in a safe direction.

  3. Always keep your rifle unloaded until ready to use.

  4. Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until you are on target andready to fire.

  5. Know your target and what is beyond.

  6. Always wear proper eye and ear protection and ensure others have the same before firing.

  7. Never use alcohol or drugs while shooting.

Match Safety

  1. If a conflict arises between RBGC Precision Rifle Match rule book and River Bend Gun Club Range Rules, RBGC Precision Rifle Match rules will take precedent.

  2. River Bend is a cold range. All rifles are to be transported to and from vehiclesunloaded, with magazines out and bolts to the rearward position.

  3. Unless actively shooting, a range flag must be utilized at all times.

  4. The rifle may only be loaded, and chamber flag removed at the direction of the Range Officer.

  5. Once the stage COF is complete, at the direction of the RO, the shooter shall remove the magazine or open the bolt to the rear position and insert a chamber flag. At which point the Range Officer will say “range is clear” then the rifle may be removed from the firing line.

  6. Only ground rifles in a proper rifle rack, or wherever the Range Officer designates as a safe location and direction.

  7. When moving to another shooting location, always ensure the rifle is pointed in a safe direction.

Stage Safety

  1. Always wait for the Range Officer’s command of “load and make ready” until you remove your chamber flag and insert magazine.

  2. Stages always begin with magazine in and bolt to the rear unless specifically directed by the match brief orthe Range Officer.

  3. Any movement or barricade transition must be done with the bolt to the rear and an empty chamber. The only exception to this rule will be with the use of semi-automatic rifles. The shooter must engage the safety, and yell “safe” loud enough for the RO to hear with ear protection.

  4. Breaking the 180 rule will result in a disqualification (DQ) from the match. There may be stages when a Written Stage Brief reduces the 180 rule even more. Always follow directions and be aware of where you are pointing your rifle.


  1. Violation of the cold range rule: 
    Any shooter who has violated the cold range rule shall receive a match DQ and removal from competition. This includes, but not limited to, a live round in the chamber, magazine inserted, a closed bolt, or chamber flag not being used.

  2. Muzzling and/or violating the 180 rule:
    Muzzling is pointing or sweeping oneself or another person’s body with the muzzle of a rifle. If any shooter muzzles any other attendee, that action shall result in match DQ and removal from competition. The rifle would have to be in-hand to be considered a flagging offense. While walking in front of a grounded rifle is not best practice, it is not a flagging offense. Rifle owner shall ground the rifle in safe direction / designated areas.

  3. Unsafe transitioning: 
    Transitioning on a barricade, or movement without having the bolt to the rear (for bolt guns) will result in the Range Officer issuing the “STOP” command and having the shooter correct the situation; return to the previous position firing position before resuming the course of fire. A second violation will result in a zero for the stage. A third will result in the shooter getting a match DQ and removal from competition. The same rule applies if the shooter does not either engage the safety and/or yell “safe”.

  4. Negligent Discharge (ND):
    A Negligent Discharge is defined as any round unintentionally discharged from a firearm during a transition, movement, and/or weapons manipulation; or a round intentionally discharged during a cease fire period. The competitor shall receive a match DQ and removal from competition.

  5. Accidental Discharge/Mechanical Failure (AD): 
    An Accidental Discharge is defined as any round unintentionally discharged from a firearm due to a mechanical failure. The participant will be removed from the event until he or she can repair the rifle to safe working order. The shooter will receive a zero for that stage, and all stages missed during the repair time will be forfeited.

If a Match Director judges a shooter to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during competition, the shooter will receive a match DQ and be removed from competition. Shooter will be permanently banned from ever attending another match.

Section 2

Match Format

1. Classes

a. Tactical

i.  7.62/.308 or 5.56/.223 only

b. Open

i.  Rifles chambered in anything other than 308 or 5.56/.223.

ii. Open division bullet weights may not exceed 180 grains and muzzle velocity may not exceed 3,200  

2. Equipment

Ammunition – No Magnum or Steel Core Cartridges Allowed

i. Minimum caliber allowed is .223 Remington/5.56x45.

ii. Maximum diameter for rifle projectiles is 0.308”.

iii. Maximum weight for rifle projectiles is 180 grains +/- 5 grains.

iv. Maximum velocity for rifle projectiles is 3200 FPS for a 5 shot string


b. Rifles may be lever, bolt, semi-automatic or single shot if they are capable of shooting 600 meters  

c. The shooter should only use one rifle for the competition.If the competitor’s rifle has a malfunction,  the shooter shall be able to use a backup or loaner rifle so long as the replacement is of similar caliber. The Match Director must be notified when an equipment malfunction occurs. The shooter shall demonstrate the failure to the match director and obtain permission to utilize the backup rifle.

3. Scoring

a. Scoring per stage will be based on the number of hits made by competitor.

b. All stages will have a par time, this will vary based on stage design.