Start times are usually 9:00 a.m. with registration at 8:00 a.m. Occasionally, though, we begin one hour later, so you should verify the start time with the Match Director if you are not on our mailing list.
Our matches are designed for both the serious competitor and the novice. You may be shooting with someone trying out this sport for the first time and with someone with decades of experience who has won national championships. Our matches are held in a friendly and supportive setting with assistance and instruction available as needed. Matches are held each month from March through October.

Some of our matches are NRA-sanctioned and others are not, but all of them are conducted in accordance with the NRA Smallbore Rifle Rules.
Rifles and Ammunition. The allowed rifles are .22 rimfire only. The allowed types of ammunition are .22 Short, .22 Long, and .22 Long Rifle. Single-loading is required. You may feed cartridges from a magazine provided there is never more than one cartridge in the rifle at any time.
Divisions. Competitors are divided into two divisions: Conventional Prone (shooting from a prone position while supported with a sling) and F-Class (shooting from a prone position with the rifle supported on a front rest or bipod). F-Class Open rifles are rested on a front rest, and F-Class Target Rifles are rested on a bipod. In our matches we typically put both types of F-Class rifles into one class for award purposes.

Conventional Prone

F-Open Rifle
F-TR Rifle