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HomeRimfire Benchrest Targets


The ARA-50 Target

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The ARA-50 target is a very challenging 25-bull target fired at 50 yards, one shot per bull, and scored using worst edge scoring. The target is sanctioned by the American Rimfire Association and is commercially available. The maximum score on an ARA target is 2500 points with 25 X’s possible. A typical match, consisting of four targets, would have a maximum score of 10000-100X. The target is available in two formats, the standard ARA-50 and a Factory Class variant. The standard ARA-50 target is used by the Unlimited and Precision classes while the Factory class target is used by all other classes. While used occasionally for RBGC Benchrest Matches, it is not only challenging to shoot it is challenging to score without the aid of a scanner and optical scoring software, which the program does not have access to. For these reasons it is used very sparingly for RBGC matches.


The RBA-50 Target

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The RBA-50 target is an extremely unforgiving target. It is a 25-bull target fired at 50 yards, one shot per bull, and scored using best edge scoring. The target is sanctioned by the Rimfire Benchrest Association and is commercially available. The maximum score on the RBA target is 250 points with 25 possible X’s. A typical match, consisting of 4 targets, would have a maximum score of 1000-100X. The RBA-50 target is used by the Unlimited class and is used for most 50-yard matches. It is a comfortable target to shoot but is unforgiving and does not allow much leeway to narrow the score if shots start to go wide. While careful scoring is required, the target can be scored very quickly.


The RBGC-RBR-50 Target

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The RBGC-RBR50 target falls in difficulty between the RBA-50 and the IBS-50. It is a 25-bull target fired at 50 yards, one shot per bull, and scored using best edge scoring. The target is a custom target created for RBGC, is unsanctioned, and is available only from the RBGC Rimfire Benchrest Match Director. The maximum score on the RBGC-RBR50 target is 250 points with 25 possible X’s. A typical match, consisting of 4 targets, would have a maximum score of 1000-100X. The RBGC-RBR50 target is used by the Precision class and is used for most 50-yard matches. It is a comfortable target to shoot suiting the accuracy of the Precision class rifles. Sized between RBA-50 and the IBS-50, it provides significant challenge to the shooter without being too difficult. Like the RBA-50, it allows only slight leeway to narrow the score if shots start to go wide, so attention it each shot is essential. While careful scoring is required, the target can be scored very quickly.

The IBS-50 Target

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The IBS-50 target, also called “The Big Green Monster” as it is printed using Green ink, is the most generous target used in RBGC Rimfire Benchrest competition. It is a great target for commonly available rifles not specifically built for Benchrest competition. While it is the largest target used, few shooters think it is an easy target to hit consistently. It is a 25-bull target fired at 50 yards, one shot per bull, and scored using best edge scoring. The target is approved by the International Benchrest Shooters (IBS) and is commercially available. The maximum score on the IBS-50 target is 250 points with 25 possible X’s. A typical match, consisting of 4 targets, would have a maximum score of 1000-100X. The IBS-50 target is used by the Semiautomatic, Factory and Hunter classes and is used for most 50-yard matches. It is a comfortable target to shoot and can result in high scores with careful wind reading and a consistent rifle. While careful scoring is required, the target can be scored quite quickly.


The IBS-200 Target

The IBS-200 target is used for all 100-yard matches. It is a challenging target for 100 yards with the 10-ring the same size as used for NRA F-Class 100-yard targets at 1”. The target is a 6-bull target, 5 record bulls and one sighter bull. Each record bull can be shot 5 times for a total of 250 points with only one X allowed per record bull. The target is scored using best edge scoring with a maximum score of 250-5X and a maximum match score of 1000-20X. The target is approved by the International Benchrest Shooters (IBS) and is commercially available. The IBS-200-target is used by all five classes. It is a challenging target to shoot due to the range but can result in high scores with careful wind reading and a consistent rifle, regardless of rifle class. Multiple shots through the same hole must be readily discernable, not usually an issue. Scoring is usually quite straightforward and while careful scoring is required, the target can be scored very quickly.


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