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HomeNRA Light Rifle (.22 Caliber)

NRA Smallbore Light Rifle

Shooting well in Light Rifle competition seems like an easy thing to do:
Take a .22 Rimfire rifle with any sights, stand 50 ft away from an A32 Target and shoot 10’s. Easy, right?   Well, not really, even experienced High Power shooters find off-hand unsupported shooting a challenge.

Light Rifle shooting allows an entry to competition without requiring expensive or extensive equipment.

All that’s really required is a rimfire rifle chambered in .22 rimfire that weights 8 ½ Lbs or less including sights, has a trigger pull of not less than 2 Lbs and can be single loaded. No special rigid coats, butt plates or adjustable stocks are required – or even allowed. While the equipment is straightforward, the shooting demands skill and will help develop or improve your existing shooting skills, and since the cost of .22 rimfire ammunition is very reasonable, the cost is low.

Light Rifle Matches at RBGC  
Light Rifle matches at RBGC are held monthly from April through October on the Rimfire Rifle Range. Please check the calendar for exact match days. Match check-in starts at 8:15 AM, safety briefing at 9:15 AM with first shot downrange at 9:30 AM. Matches are NRA sanctioned, which allows competitors to set national records. Match fees for adults (over age 20) are modest and junior fees are below costs and are subsidized.

There are three match formats within the Light Rifle discipline:

  1. 60 shots at 50 ft. on an A-32 target
  2. 30 shots at 50 yds. on an A-31 target
  3. 80 shots at 50 ft. on an A-32 target

All matches will be fired from a standing position with any sights.

The 60 shot matches will be fired in 6 stages of 10 shots, with two shots for record fired at each bull of an A-32 target. A perfect score is 600 points, with center shots (shots through the bull that do not touch the scoring ring) also recorded.

The 80 shot course of fire is used in the State Championship match and will be fired in 8 stages of 10 shots each on the A-32 target, 2 shots per bull.

Match Procedures:  

The process of firing a match is reasonably straightforward. After shooters sign in and receive firing point and relay assignment, they present their rifles for technical inspection. The rifles are inspected, weighed and then the trigger pull is tested to ensure it is greater than 2 Lbs. Empty Chamber indicators are mandatory and must be inserted any time the rifle is not being fired.

After a safety briefing and announcement, the first relay goes down range and hangs their targets. Once the targets are hung and the range cleared, the line is made hot and the shooters are allowed a three minute preparation period. During this period, shooters can sight or dryfire but may not yet load. Once the preparation period is over, the command to load & commence fire are given & then the fun begins.

Shooters are allowed an unlimited number of sighter shots plus ten shots for record in fifteen minutes. Rifles must be single loaded, either by loading the chamber directly, or by inserting one round into the magazine and then loading from the magazine.  Once all shots are fired or the time period expires, rifles are removed from the firing line (ECI’s inserted), and the range is called cold. Shooters are now able to retrieve their targets, hang new targets for the next stage and then take their targets for scoring.

While the targets are being scored, the shooters return the line and begin a one minute preparation period. After the preparation period is over, the command to load and commence fire is again given and the competitors shoot their sighters and next ten record shots. After the second stage is complete for the first relay, the second relay takes the line and fires their first stage.

This process repeats three times so that both relays can shoot the required six stages. If all competitors can be accommodated in a single relay, then the match will be fired in a single relay format to reduce the amount of time the match takes. After all shooting is complete, the scores are totaled and medals are awarded to the overall and class winners. 

The 30 shot matches will be fired on the A-31 target in 3 10 shot stages at 50 yards. For complete details on each tournament type, please contact the Match Director for a copy of the relevant program.

How to get started:  
Getting started is easy, as the light rifle matches are fun with a friendly atmosphere. Come to a match with a trusty (not rusty) .22 rimfire rifle, two boxes of ammo, an ECI and see how easy/challenging it is to hit that little white dots!

River Bend Gun Club Members are eligible to compete for the title of RBGC Light Rifle Champion! The Club Champion and Junior Club Champion will be the winners of the October match.

For more information contact the NRA Light Rifle Range Officer, Simon Bailey at: