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HomeHigh Power Rifle

High Power Rifle

High Power Rifle competitions are shot on River Bend Gun Club’s full 600 yard “Big Bore” range, one of the few full 600 yard ranges in the southeast! It includes 25 firing points, elevated firing lines at 200, 300, and 600 yards and a ”pit” area with cantilever target carriers. Restroom facilities are available at the 600 yard line.

The High Power Rifle program at River Bend includes a monthly 80 shot Regional Match Course (RMC) and a Mid-Range 3x600 match. River Bend also hosts a variety of other matches and events including both Regional and State competitions, CMP sanctioned EIC (Leg) matches, CMP Games, and specialty events. Please check the RBGC Club Calendar for dates.

Club membership is not required to participate in scheduled matches.

The monthly 80 shot Regional Match Course is held the second Saturday of each month with the 3x600 shot on Sunday. Commonly referred to as an “across-the-course” or ATC match, the 80 shot RMC consists of a specific course of fire from the 200, 300, and 600 yard lines. The 3x600 includes three stages where all firing is done from the 600 yard line – thus the name “3 times 600”. See the Match Programs below for match specific information.

Safety is stressed in all aspects of this sport both in the conduct of the matches and required safety equipment and procedures.

Squadding begins at 8am in the parking area next to the 300 yard line for the RMC match and at the 600 Yard line for the 3x600 match. Firing for the matches commences at 9am. A relay system is used to determine in what order each competitor shoots, scores, and performs pit duty. All competitors are required to perform scoring and pit duties as part of this match. Matches typically end between 2 and 3pm. Bring your own food and water.

While High Power Rifle is a competition, it is also known for being friendly to the new shooter. Programs like those at River Bend offer participants an excellent opportunity to both develop their marksmanship skills and continue to hone those skills through monthly competitions. If you are interested in High Power Rifle competition, River Bend’s program is one of the best in the nation! Very well attended, River Bend matches and events attract shooters ranging from those new to the sports to some of the top shooters in the country. It’s an idea place to learn from the best!

Interested? We invite you to participate! Loaner equipment, such as mats and spotting scopes are often available if requested in advance. If all the gear or distances still seems a bit intimidating, RBGC's 100 Yard Reduced Match/Clinic is a great way to get your feet wet and prepare for your first match on the “big range”!

NRA High Power Rulebook
Target and Scoring Information

Contact the HP Range Officer

View Match Scores


Upcoming Events

2024 RBGC NRA Highpower Match Program

Dates: 09 March, 13 April, 11 May, 08 June, 13 July, 10 August, 09 November
Other Dates: These matches are covered under separate match programs:
14 September State Championship, 15 September CMP EIC, 07 December Christmas miracle EIC

2024 RBGC Mid Range Program

Dates: April 14 (NRA), June 9 (NRA), July 14 (NRA), August 11(NRA), November 10 (NRA), Dec 8 (Club match)
State Championship: Oct. 12-13 Mark Skutle Mid-Range 600x6. See State Championship match program for details.